10 Hilarious Doctor Who Mistakes You Definitely Didn't Notice

1. Pointless Sacrifice (The Almost People)

Doctor Who David Tennant Midnight green screen mistake

The entire purpose of Series 6's The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People was for the Eleventh Doctor to prove that Flesh avatars weren't all that dissimilar to real people.

He successfully accomplishes this task, and in the end, even Amy Pond can't tell the difference between the two versions of the Doctor she's been working with throughout the story. This culminates in the Flesh Doctor sacrificing himself so the others can escape, while the real Doctor uses the information he's gathered to begin his rescue of the recently-kidnapped Amy.

As it turns out though, the Flesh Doctor needn't have sacrificed himself at all, because a baffling mistake left him with an easy escape route.

In the bowels of the monastery, the real Doctor flies off in the TARDIS, leaving the Flesh Doctor to die while taking down the monstrous Jennifer. But hang on a second. When Fleshy Doc opens the door to meet his fate, we can clearly see that the TARDIS is still there behind him (just to the left of Matt Smith's head in the image above), even though we saw it dematerialize around 15 seconds before.

Quite how this happened is anyone's guess, because it's not like the TARDIS is easy to miss when setting up a shot! But regardless, it's there. Poor Fleshy Doc. Turns out you could've explored the stars after all.

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