10 Horrific Fates Suffered By Black Mirror Characters

1. White Bear - White Bear Justice Park

Channel 4

Victoria wakes up to a world where every human mindlessly records her on their phones. Hunted continuously by sadistic killers, Victoria must help a woman called Jem free the viewers from their continuous filming.

At first, White Bear seems to be making a ham-handed approach to phone addiction. However, in one of the craziest twists in Black Mirror history, it's revealed Victoria is in White Bear Justice Park, living the same day over and over again as punishment for her and her fiance abducting and killing a young girl, Jemima. The voyeurs? Merely visitors of the park, symbolising how Victoria recorded the killing without interfering.

The morality of this justice system is foggy at best. As the park's employees take Victoria to have her memories wiped all over again - an excruciatingly painful process - the visitors shout obscenities, throw sponges, and publically shame her.

Is the punishment justified if you don't even remember the crime you've committed? And would Victoria do it again?

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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.