10 Horrific Fates Suffered By Black Mirror Characters

2. Playtest - Brain Synapse Overload


With the emergence of VR, gaming is becoming is more immersive than it's ever been, but perhaps having every nightmare come to life before your eyes it a little too realistic for most.

This preface doesn't stop US-born Cooper signing up to a new experimental augmented reality game in the UK, where a mushroom implant is attached to his neck that conjures a variety of horrors before him. Cooper handles a few minor jump scares before the friend who sent him there assaults Cooper with an uncomfortably large kitchen knife.

Things get worse as he begins to forget who he is, reminiscent of his father passing away from early-onset Alzheimer's. Yet he wakes up after apparently only experiencing the test for one second.

It appears Cooper gets away with his life, as he collects the money needed to travel back to the US, but not quite. After finding his mum succumbing to the late stages of early-onset Alzheimer's, we realise Cooper died in 0.4 seconds after his phone interfered with the testing, firing every single one of his brain synapses in the process.

Cooper is a wonderfully flawed character, and his ending is somewhat ironic considering him keeping his phone on led to his demise, yet being subjected to 40-minutes of his greatest fears, followed by death by brain-overload, is a horrific way to go. Count us out.

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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.