10 Horrific Fates Suffered By Black Mirror Characters

7. USS Callister - Trapped In The Void


It's awful to see sympathetic characters get unceremoniously axed from episodes. At least Black Mirror doesn't let the bad guys get off lightly either.

In USS Callister, Daly is an unassuming, quiet co-founder of Callister Inc., who have created the MMO Infinity. In the virtual world, he's the captain of the USS Callister and has maniacally copied his employee's consciousnesses to work as his Trekkie-esque crew and personal playthings.

Whatever his employees do to insult him in the real world, he'll take out on their virtual counterparts, including endless suffocation, transforming them into alien monsters, and even using their children as blackmail to play out his spaceship fantasies.

Of course, the crew soon attempt a mutiny to escape. Finding a wormhole that will take the USS Callister out of Daly's mini-universe, the virtual team escape into the new update of Infinity. When Daly tries to follow them in his modded spaceship, the firewall locks him out his controls as the universe collapses around him. Stuck in the void, his body sits lifelessly in his lonely apartment, as the crew set sail to 'Infinity' and beyond.

Let's be honest: Daly deserved the fate he got. Yet it's depressing to think that it's unlikely anyone's going to check up on him, either leaving him to slowly starve to death or be trapped in an endless void forever.

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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.