10 Horrific Fates Suffered By Black Mirror Characters

5. Black Museum - "Monkey Needs A Hug"


Black Museum is the anthology within the anthology. Based on three exhibits, Rolo showcases his "authentic criminological artefacts" and the stories behind them to traveller Nish.

Clayton Leigh, for example, signs away his consciousness to be executed again and again by museum patrons, despite being innocent. As it turns out, Nish is his daughter and manages put his mind to rest after freeing his consciousness from Rolo's torture chamber.

The second story's victim's fate, however, is particularly disheartening. After Jack puts his comatose wife's consciousness into his brain (Carrie), the couple experience difficulties over Carrie's agency and Jack's privacy. Regretting his choice, Jack and his new partner decide to put Carrie's consciousness in a stuffed monkey to give to their son. Carrie can only communicate through two phrases, and as the weeks go by, her son loses interest in her as she watches her family carry on their lives without her.

While things sound like they'd pick up after her treatment is deemed illegal, Carrie is still trapped inside as it's also unlawful to delete her. Trapped in a teddy bear for eternity and put on display in a museum, but not before watching her family slowly distance themselves from her, could be a fate worse than death. Even though Nish takes her away at the end of the episode, can she ever be released from her fluffy prison?

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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.