10 Horrific Fates Suffered By Black Mirror Characters

4. White Christmas - Blocked Forever

Channel 4

Black Museum isn't Black Mirror's first rodeo fitting a compendium of stories into one episode. White Christmas focuses on two men, Joe and Matt, in a remote cabin as they reveal to each other why they've chosen to live somewhere so isolated.

White Christmas is one of the only episodes to bring back a piece of technology: Z-Eyes, that Matt uses to help men pick up women. This decision brings his life crashing down, however, after one woman murders a man he's helping. The neat trick about Z-Eyes is that a person can "block" someone out their life, making them an anonymous greyed-out silhouette the other can't hear. Cue Matt's wife blocking him after finding out about his hobby.

We hope Matt gets used to blocking, however, as after he helps the police coerce a murder-confession out of Joe (more on that later), they register him as a sex offender. What does that mean? Everyone is blocked from him, and he appears as a red silhouette to everyone else.

While Matt wasn't exactly the most kindhearted of characters, having to be forever ostracised from everyone in society for the foreseeable future sure is tough to swallow.

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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.