10 Horrific Fates Suffered By Doctor Who Characters

1. Halpen Turns Into An Ood (Planet Of The Ood)

Doctor Who Ursula Blake Love & Monsters

Even though the Ood are normally a peaceful race, they do look rather disgusting. With the long, spaghetti-like strings of flesh dangling from their faces, their narrow, slanted eyes and their slimy bald heads, they're an unsettling sight to behold, but still, they're loyal, helpful, and generally quite harmless - if you treat them with respect.

And corporate sleazebag Halpen definitely did not treat them with respect. The head of a company that enslaved the Ood and treated them like cattle, Halpen's disregard for Ood-kind came back to bite him in the ass when Ood Sigma decided to gradually poison him with a tonic that - in a horrific scene from Series 4's Planet of the Ood - turned him into one of the very creatures he had mistreated for so long.

The transformation itself is... pretty gross, to put it mildly. Halpen's hair falls out in tufts before the skin on top of his head begins to peel away, revealing the veiny and off-colour head of an Ood lurking underneath. A bunch of Ood tentacles then fall out of his mouth like vomit, completing the transformation in a sickening fashion.

Doctor Who Halpen Ood Planet of the Ood

It's as close to full-blown body horror as the show has ever got, and for a programme aimed at families, it's a surprisingly disturbing sequence that still holds up today as one of the most shocking character fates we've ever seen in Doctor Who.


Know any other Doctor Who characters who suffered truly horrific fates? Let us know in the comments section!

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