10 Horrifically Violent TV Character Deaths That Traumatised The Fans

8. Sons Of Anarchy - Gemma Goes Nuts On Tara

The latest season finale offered a sense of hope and optimism as Jax and Tara reconciled and agreed on what was best for their children's future. In order to protect Tara, Jax planned to turn himself into the police in exchange for immunity for any and all crimes she committed on behalf of SAMCRO. Tara was to take the kids away anywhere she wanted and live her own life. Everything seemed to be going according to plan until an angry Gemma showed up at Tara's home. Feeling Tara betrayed her by taking her grandchildren away and talking to the law, she engaged in a violent fight with her daughter-in-law and began drowning her in the kitchen sink. It looked like that would be the end of Tara until Gemma suddenly grabbed a meat fork and stabbed her repeatedly in her head. Tara's murder escalated very quickly and not only shocked the audience, but Gemma as well. As Lt. Roosevelt came in, Gemma remained stuck on the wall in complete shock, mumbling over and over it had to be done since she cut a deal. Only then is she told by Roosevelt of Jax's plan, making her gruesome death a tragic mistake.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.