10 Horrifically Violent TV Character Deaths That Traumatised The Fans

5. The Walking Dead - Dale Gets Eaten

Similar to Grey's Anatomy, fans of The Walking Dead are used to main characters dying every season in very gory, vicious deaths which usually involve getting torn apart by Walkers. Only three people are truly safe on the show: Rick and Carl because they're main characters and Daryl because he's the biggest fan-favourite who everyone actually likes. Dale, however, was another fan-favourite character who was not only well liked, but acted as the moral centre of the group. Throughout season two he was never hesitant to remind Rick of his duties to not only protect his followers, but be a decent human being. After Carl foolishly fails to kill a temporarily immobilised walker, Dale gets disembowelled by it after somehow being taken unawares in the middle of an open field. He's still alive by the time Rick and company reach him, though is in an extraordinary amount of agony, what with being prized open like a treasure chest in the previous scene. So with his insides hanging out of him and amidst his anguished screams, Daryl performs a mercy killing. Considering stomach wounds are incredibly painful and can lead to a protracted agonising death, this was a very rough way for Dale to be killed off. It's a double whammy for comic book readers €“ Dale's death wasn't exactly peaceful on the page, so to see him go down in an arguably more pain-filled fashion is frankly twisting the knife.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.