10 Horrifically Violent TV Character Deaths That Traumatised The Fans

2. Breaking Bad - Gus's Ripped Off Face

Gus Fring will go down as one of the best villains on television. Giancarlo Esposito brought a cold, ruthless demeanor to the character, but still allowed us to see small amounts of humanity in the infamous drug lord. In fact, fans almost rooted for Gus to win in his battle against Walter White as Walt kept screwing up due to his ambition and arrogance. It wasn't meant to be though, as Gus was blindsided and hit in his most vulnerable spot by Walt. Visiting his nemesis Hector Salamanca €“ the man who killed his best friend decades ago €“ one last time, Gus fully intended to kill the crippled ex-gangster in a final act of revenge. Unfortunately, Walt had already attempted to kill Gus with a homemade bomb before discovering the true nature of Gus and Hector's relationship. As Gus is preparing Hector's lethal injection, the old man begins frantically ringing his trademark bell, activating Walt's bomb on his wheelchair. Unfortunately for Gus, he realises this too late and dies with Hector. Of course, the moment after the bomb detonated is one of Breaking Bad's most memorable, and with good reason €“ Gus slowly walks out of Hector's room, making fans believe he had somehow survived the explosion. He seems perfectly fine as he straightens his tie, but as the camera rolls around it is revealed half of Gus' face has been blown off before falling dead to the floor. It is quite a grisly image which Vince Gilligan and the production team took months to perfect and stands out as one of Breaking Bad's defining twists.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.