10 Horror TV Moments That Genuinely Got Under Your Skin

8. Two Gambling Addicts Amputate Their Own Fingers & Arms - Tales From The Crypt

Lance-Henrikson-Kevin-TigheSeason 2, Episode 3 Cutting Cards(21 Apr. 1990) This Tales from the Crypt episode was extremely basic but satisfying as hell. The €œplot€ involves two hardcore gamblers Reno (Lance Henriksen) and Sam (Kevin Tighe) who take their addiction to the extreme. Now who doesn€™t like to gamble every once in a while, take a trip to Atlantic City for the weekend? These guys are way more extreme then any gamblers you have ever seen. After wagering endless amounts of money the two start wagering their lives with a game of Russian roulette. They eventually starting putting their own limbs on the line. They starting betting their fingers and eventually their own arms(which they amputate themselves.) The final scene of the show we see both of the men at a hospital with no arms or legs playing chess. I don€™t even want to know what else they have to wager!

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com