10 Horror TV Shows That Ended On A Cliffhanger

3. Angel

The Terror
20th Television

Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans rejoiced when it was revealed fan favourite character Angel would be getting his own spin-off series. Following the "vampire with a soul’s" escapades in Los Angeles, the show utilised a police-procedural format alongside returning and recurring Buffy characters to move the story along. Angel started as a modest success that grew in both fan and critical enjoyment over time.

The fifth and final season in particular, which saw another fan favourite Spike being brought into the fold, was the show's biggest success to date and ended at the precipice of an epic battle between Angel and his cohorts with a literal army of ghouls, giants and a motherloving dragon! Angel exclaims “let’s go to work” and we cut to black. Forever.

Commonly lamented even twenty years later as one of TV’s most frustrating cliffhangers, it’s not known why the show was cancelled at such an apex. As pointed out ratings for the show were up, not down, and the epic battle we were teased at the end of season 5 would have surely cemented viewers continued interest in the property. Some suggest it was Joss “Where’s My Hug At” Whedon pushing Warner Brothers too hard for an early renewal that saw them eventually pull the plug, but given how much time has passed, it seems we’re unlikely to ever find out for certain.

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Total goblin. Quit the food and beverage industry after ten years to try my hand at writing nonsense online. I have a huge passion for film, television, cats, art, tattoos, food, anarchy and classic literature (mainly Dune). Currently based at my mum's house, I can be best reached on Instagram (@charlie_marx) where I attempt to soothe my mental health with memes.