10 Iconic Episodes Of Avatar: The Last Airbender

7. The Blue Spirit (Book 1: Episode 13)

Avatar The Last Airbender Aang

When Sokka and Katara become ill, Aang must gather the remedy needed to cure them, but is attacked and captured by the Yuu Yan archers, commanded by Admiral Zhao. Zhao plans to have Aang sent to Fire Lord Ozai, but a sword-wielding bandit wearing the “Blue Spirit” mask breaks Aang out of his cell.

Aang and The Blue Spirit fight their way out and almost escape, until The Blue Spirit is knocked unconscious and it is revealed that he is Prince Zuko. Aang almost decides to leave Zuko behind, but decides to save him from the pursuing Fire Nation troops.

When Zuko awakens, Aang reluctantly thanks him for his help and offers his friendship, but flees when Zuko attacks him and returns to Katara and Sokka with the cure.

Although Zuko’s motives were to stop Zhao from claiming the glory of capturing Aang, it was an episode that gave audiences something they never knew they wanted by having Aang and Zuko working together.

And even though Zuko would cause further misery for Team Avatar, his actions in this episode would come up in Book 3, when he tries to join Team Avatar and become Aang’s firebending teacher.


I am an open minded guy who is always up for trying new things. I love playing video games, watching and critiquing the latest films and tv shows and a big fan of football. P.S, I hope you are all doing well during these challenging times and that you have a great day.