10 Iconic Moments in Doctor Who

3. The Introduction Of The TARDIS And The Doctor (€œAn Unearthly Child€, 1963)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgF38tICV-w This is one of those, €œif I ever get hold of a time machine,€ moments. What did audiences think, I wonder, when the TARDIS and the Doctor were introduced? Surely no one had any idea how iconic these two things would become, or that we€™d be talking about them 50 years later. It€™s quite fascinating to see this scene now, and to look at how different the Doctor was during those first few moments when he comes across as rather sinister, not to mention how different the TARDIS looks on the inside. It was this moment that spawned all the others, and that makes it great!
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Doctor Who
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Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at wilybadger.wordpress.com