10 Idiotic Decisions By TV Characters Who Should Have Known Better

5. Robb Marries Talisa - Game Of Thrones

Game Of Thrones Red Wedding

Robb Stark's decision to marry Talisa instead of Walder Frey's daughters is one of the biggest blunders in television history.

While it would be hard for anyone to predict the Red Wedding happening, surely Robb was supposed to be much smarter than this. Marrying for love is not a luxury often afforded to the people of Westeros. What made Robb think that he would be any different?

Catelyn repeatedly warned Robb that Walder Frey was not the type of person that would take rejection well. Besides, did he really think that an alliance with House Tully was an adequate consolation prize? The Tullys own some swamp land. The Starks rule the North.

Such a decision really highlights the fact that Robb was always underqualified to take up his father's mantle in the first place. If Robb was truly the King of the North, he would have realized that every decision he makes for himself affects all of his people. This was something Ned Stark understood until the end of his life. Robb forgoing an alliance in favor of personal desire ended in the deaths of himself, Catelyn, Talisa, and almost all of his soldiers.

Say what you want about Joffrey, but at least he understood the importance of keeping an alliance intact.


I'm that millennial that's been destroying every industry. I also once placed fourth in a spelling bee.