10 Idiotic Decisions By TV Characters Who Should Have Known Better

4. Ted Invites Robin To His First Wedding - How I Met Your Mother

Game Of Thrones Red Wedding

Truthfully, half of this list could be taken up by Ted Mosby, easily one of the most hated main characters in television history. However, his dumbest decision broke one of the biggest unwritten rules of marriage: never, under any circumstances, invite your ex-girlfriend to your wedding.

Ted's bride-to-be Stella was surprisingly accepting of the fact that Ted remained such close friends with Robin. It really wasn't too much to ask that she not be invited to the wedding. Ted does so anyway. This results in Stella's ex-boyfriend and father of her child Tony also coming to the wedding.

And that ends with Ted being left at the altar.

While this is another case of the specific consequences not being truly foreseeable, he definitely should have known that it wouldn't have ended well. First of all, both Stella and Robin blatantly told Ted how uncomfortable they were with Robin's presence of the wedding. Ted ignoring Stella's wishes is an easy sign that their relationship never would have worked out.

Furthermore, Stella dropped the biggest hint imaginable that she wasn't completely over Tony at that point, referencing how seeing people can bring up "unresolved feelings." She might as well have rubber-stamped his forehead with "DON'T INVITE EXES TO OUR WEDDING."


I'm that millennial that's been destroying every industry. I also once placed fourth in a spelling bee.