10 Important Doctor Who Details That Are Almost Never Mentioned

4. Humans Have Dormant Psychic Abilities

Doctor Who Ninth Doctor
BBC Studios

Though we wouldn't describe it as "hard science-fiction", Doctor Who does tend to err on the side of skepticism when it comes to the supernatural. Or at least, it used to, before the Toymaker changed the rules and we got singing goblins.

Think of the Gelth not actually being ghosts in The Unquiet Dead, or our depictions of the Devil actually being based on the trapped creature from The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit.

There is one notable exception to this however: humans in Doctor Who are psychic.

We first get an idea of this in Planet of the Spiders, when the Third Doctor is running experiments on psychic abilities, and claims that extra-sensory capabilities are dormant in most humans.

Doctor Who Planet of the Spiders
BBC Studios

Since then though, references to this hidden innate power have been few and far between.

Timothy Latimer in Human Nature/The Family of Blood was confirmed to have some level of psychic ability, as was Emma Grayling in Hide. But besides them and a few others, humanity’s latent psychic abilities have gone largely unexplored, which is surprising for a show with close to a thousand episodes!

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Alix Cochrane hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would probably end up sitting in a notes file for months, gathering dust and never actually being uploaded.