10 Incredible Tiny Details Hidden In The Simpsons

1. The Mystery Of Hans Moleman

Homer Simpson Hair

At this point in the show’s incredibly long run, fans have come to know some Springfield residents almost as well as the Simpson family themselves. The likes of Moe Szyslak, Ned Flanders and other Springfield regulars have showed various facets to their personalities. At the same time, though, some characters just make inconsequential cameos for the joke’s sake.

Hans Moleman is considered the unluckiest man in Springfield, and he certainly lives up to that reputation. He seems to exist only to meet an hilarious yet grisly fate, having ‘died’ on around forty occasions over the course of the series. Still, like a true cartoon character, he reappears again and again with no explanation needed.

On the surface, that’s the basis for Moleman’s entire existence: he either dies or humiliates himself. There’s much more to him, though, as there’s a lot of (intentionally) contradictory information. In one episode, he explains that he’s only 31, but looks the way he does because he drinks too much. On several other occasions, there are implications that he’s in his sixties, or seventies, or even older. His driving license also claims that he weighs 140lbs, which doesn’t tally with his height and appearance at all.

The more hidden details you unearth about Moleman, the more of an enigma he becomes.

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