10 Incredibly Tough Decisions Anime Characters Have Had To Make

8. Prison School - Gakuto's Sacrifice

Men aren't born heroes but choose to act as heroes do, to become heroes - this is certainly the case for Takehito Morokuzu.

Finding a girlfriend is so important to Gakuto that he even attends a formerly girls-only high school. Despite becoming a prisoner within the school itself and being completely degraded, he still holds these hopes.

Gaining the rare chance of using the school computers, the boys attempt to attain audio of defecation. They need such audio to assist in the breakout, allowing Kiyoshi to attend his sumo date with Chiyo Kurihara. More importantly to Gakuto, it is the once in a three-year opportunity to buy Three Kingdoms figures.

Unfortunately, no such defecation sounds can be found on the internet (somehow), so the boys must make such sounds themselves and use the computers to record them. Even with Gakuto's desire to find a girlfriend, these two things together are more important to him. He is willing to sacrifice his reputation and possibility for young romance, to be humiliated in public, just for this small chance.

A true hero if there ever was one.

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Anime, manga, light novel, fantasy book enthusiast. Otherwise a pretty boring guy.