10 Incredibly Tough Decisions Anime Characters Have Had To Make

7. Angel Beats - Letting Go

Yuzuru Otonashi and the main cast of Angel Beats have been living as school students in a limbo world. The characters have been dead the whole time, never truly able to pass on. Deathly afraid of disappearing and of being reborn, they do everything they can to avoid the "Angel" Tenshi; each person in limbo has died too young, too full of regrets and wishes that went unfulfilled.

Once their life's wishes are fulfilled, they are finally able to move on, whether they want to or not. In such a situation, they find camaraderie and the blossom of youth among one another. In their hijinks and antics, they are living a meaningful life with one another, but they refuse to move on. They remain in the past, in limbo - both figuratively and literally.

There is little room for people to grow when perpetually young and living in a world almost entirely devoid of life. Every member of the SSS has to come to terms with their past trauma in their own way, face "obliteration" and rebirth - face the unknown. They must disregard the comfort of high school life with their friends and move towards the future, as scary as that is.

Some find it easier than others to pass on, but it is undoubtedly one of the toughest decisions; to essentially welcome your own death, welcome the unknown, and leave your friends and memories behind.

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Anime, manga, light novel, fantasy book enthusiast. Otherwise a pretty boring guy.