10 Incredibly Tough Decisions Anime Characters Have Had To Make

3. Cowboy Bebop - Faye Valentine Letting Spike Go

Forgetting about everyone and everything you've ever known, only to wake up decades later with a crushing debt would be too much for anyone to handle. It only gets worse for Faye Valentine, as she is duped into accruing even more debt by the first person she trusted and fell in love with.

Afterward, she spent years hiding from bounty hunters and just trying to survive. The process of which is turning her into an opportunistic schemer, one without a home, family, or even friends - she is one without any trust left.

So, when she finally finds herself a family, she refuses to let it break apart; she refuses to let Spike go on a foolish suicide mission. With a gun aimed at his head, she reminds him of his words towards her, words of forgetting the past, of letting go.

Realising that this is something Spike needs to do, something that she would be wrong to stop even if she could, Valentine sorrowfully relents and fires her gun into the ceiling. She makes the hardest possible decision at that moment, to return the trust and kindness she was given; in exchange, all she has to do is let one of her only loved ones die.

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Anime, manga, light novel, fantasy book enthusiast. Otherwise a pretty boring guy.