10 Incredibly Tough Decisions Anime Characters Have Had To Make

4. Charlotte - Choosing To Be A Hero

After spending most of his life abusing his superhuman abilities for personal gain, Yu Otosaka finds himself unwillingly inducted into a group with a noble cause. Here, he finally begins to use his ability for good. All the while spending time with others, growing attached to them and little by little becoming a better person.

After losing his beloved sister, falling into depression, and eventually traveling back in time to set things right, he realises his feelings for Nao Tomori. Before he even has a chance to settle down, Otosaka is then given the seemingly impossible mission of stealing the abilities of every ability user in the world.

The purpose of this is to save them from becoming living weapons and test subjects for experimentation; not only is this difficult on the face of it, but the probability of him losing himself and becoming addicted to the power is high. The only thing preventing his descent into madness is his feelings towards Tomori.

Despite the probability of his own death or even becoming a monster, he still decides to take up the mission - to become a hero. Is it out of compassion, duty, or his love for Tomori? That doesn't matter. Otosaka still takes the risk and makes the difficult decision of putting the lives of others ahead of his own.

The consequence? Complete and utter amnesia. Saving the world ain't easy.

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Anime, manga, light novel, fantasy book enthusiast. Otherwise a pretty boring guy.