10 Insane Doctor Who Plot Twists That Nearly Happened

1. Rose And The Devil

Doctor Who Rose Tyler the Beast
BBC Studios

The book The Writer's Tale offers an engrossing behind-the-scenes look at the making of NuWho's early years.

A collection of emails between showrunner Russell T Davies and journalist Benjamin Cook, it details (rather candidly) the creative process behind the show, and explores some of RTD's quirks as a writer.

For example, he hates dream sequences.

In one section of the book, RTD calls the trope "pathetically symbolic", before giving an example of one that almost turned a Series 2 story on its head.

The initial cliffhanger for The Impossible Planet was for Rose to get possessed by the mysterious Beast, exclaiming "I am the Beast incarnate!" Davies loved this idea, but not so much what happened next.

The next episode was then going to open with Rose imagining she was back home with Jackie and Mickey... only something wasn't right. That's because it was all a dream, a twist which RTD "simply couldn't bear."

Rose being one of the possessed antagonists of this story would've been wild to see, but it's also understandable why RTD felt it was a bit too weird.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.