10 Insane Doctor Who Plot Twists That Nearly Happened

7. Doctor Deported

Doctor Who Rose Tyler the Beast
BBC Studios

The Power of Three - what a weird little episode. Tiny cubes. Brian's log. Lord Sugar! Delightful stuff.

We also see the Doctor playing Wii tennis while waiting for those mysterious black cubes to do something, and physicist Brian Cox has a cameo.

This episode almost featured another big guest appearance too, in the form of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. No, not Harriet Jones or Harold Saxon - a new character called Stephen Carter.

Sadly not the grandson of Captain Jack Harkness (one for the Children of Earth fans there), Carter would've been suspicious of the Doctor due to the slow invasion of the cubes, and get this: he would've outright banned the Doctor from the UK, resulting in Eleven's absence from a large portion of the episode.

The Doctor really doesn't get along with Prime Ministers, do they?

The final version instead had the Doctor dipping in and out of the story (and in and out of the Ponds' lives) via the TARDIS, which feels like a more natural way of doing things.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.