10 Insane Rules TV Shows Weren’t Allowed To Break

3. The Curious Case of Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska - Gotham

Gotham Joker

Gotham served as a weird and wonderful (mostly weird) origin story for the infamous DC city and its iconic inhabitants. Told from a young Jim Gordon's perspective, the show gradually introduced characters such as Penguin and Poison Ivy.

Its introduction of the Joker was a bit strange, to say the least. At first, it was thought that mass murderer Jerome Valeska was set up to be the Clown Prince of Crime before he was killed off and his twin brother Jeremiah seemed destined to become the villain. Jeremiah even took on an appearance reminiscent of Mr. J himself and shared many of the character's psychotic mannerisms.

The latter eventually came to pass in the show's twilight years, but Valeska was never referred to as the Joker by anyone in the show. This was due to the higherups at DC and Warner Bros. mandating that the name be reserved for the DCEU incarnation of the character, forcing the show to work around explicitly referencing the character by his famous moniker.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.