10 Insane Rules TV Shows Weren’t Allowed To Break

4. The Walking Dead And Its Odd Choice of Language

Gotham Joker

AMC's The Walking Dead is one of the goriest and most violent shows on cable television and with good reason. It does not shy away from zombie and human carnage, often lingering on what surviving in such a world takes.

Despite being on cable and featuring disturbing content, a particular swear word has almost never been uttered by the show's cast. The F-word is admittedly one of the more vulgar expletives out there, but it seems that it would feel at home in a show such as this, yes?

Not quite, as AMC regulations stipulate that the F-word is off limits, but other curse words can be used. This is odd due to the aforementioned mature content of the show and that another, more dehumanizing word was used in the show's earlier seasons. It also makes for clunky scenes where intense conversations between characters feel oddly sanitized compared to the violence surrounding them.

It just goes to show how no one is safe from absurd rules and censors; not even gory, nihilistic zombie shows.

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