10 Instantly Addictive TV Show Opening Credits

9. X-Men The Animated Series - Synthesizer Straight To Your Heart

Fresh Prince Of Bel Air

Arguably the most addictive song on this list by tune alone, anyone born in the early 90s hears the dramatic synthesized melody and is instantly transported back to their living room on a saturday morning. Completely distinct from all other cartoon themes at the time, which tended to be more soft rock and included bespoke lyrics (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Scooby Doo spring to mind), kids all over the world heard this as the first call that the weekend was here.

Each character is given a little introduction along with a demonstration of their powers to ensure newcomers could pick up what they needed to know mid season in the nightmare years before Netflix. They even have a showdown at the end so you can see which side they fight for. You don't have to follow the show for years to know who or what Wolverine or Cylcops are, it tells you right there at the start.

In the pre digital age and with an audience of inattentive kids that might not be able to see every episode, it was surely the best possible way to get people excited about the show without requiring them to follow every episode each week.


Photographer, Writer, Traveller, Gamer and film nerd. They will all shout, grow up, and I'll whisper, no....