10 Invincible Comic Moments We Can't Wait To See In The Series

6. Robot and Monster Girl: A Match Made in Flaxan

Invincible Amazon
Image Comics

In a somewhat unexpected deviation from the main narrative, we're given an insight into Robot and Monster Girl's extended vacation to the Flaxan dimension, which wielded some interesting results.

A significant arc for both Robot and Monster Girl (Amanda), they seek to end the Flaxan threat around the series' halfway point and are subsequently trapped in the dimension. Time moves faster through the portal, and what feels like mere weeks in our world amounts to decades over there.

Their time in the Flaxan dimension wields some unexpected results, and upon their return the pair are decidedly more distant. Readers aren't told what occurred until later, and it turns out the trip was far more prosperous - and destructive - than we're led to believe.

In an attempt to liberate and reconstruct the dimension, Robot becomes its leader, and over time becomes more stoic and less approachable as the responsibility of rule weighs heavy. The Zaxal royal family opposed Robot's rebellion and Amanda supported the former, causing a rift between the two.

To twist the knife further Amanda, in monster form, has an affair with the dimension's princess and has a child. Amanda is now the father(!) if Monax, whom Robot hides from his former lover.

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Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.