10 Largest Megastructures In Star Trek

1. Q's Pocket Universes

star trek 10 largest megastructures
CBS Media Ventures

Of all the species seen in Trek, the Q Continuum is arguably the most powerful, and thus most capable of creating megastructures. Based on what we've learned about them so far, a single Q could probably create a whole Dyson Sphere with a snap of their fingers.

We're diving more into speculation here, but there have been multiple instances where Q transported people into worlds that he seemingly constructed. In Hide And Q, he trapped members of the Enterprise-D crew on a barren planetoid populated only by hostile aliens with napoleonic-era uniforms and weapons. Later, in Qpid, he forced several of the crew to act out a Robin Hood story in a recreation of Sherwood Forest.

It's uncertain whether these locations were simply part of our own universe, or pocket universes created entirely by Q. Though, if we're to believe the latter, these pocket universes are by far the largest constructs ever created by any species in Trek. Even if these specific example don't technically count, its undeniable that Q has the power to create megastructures far larger than the others seen on this list.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.