10 Largest Megastructures In Star Trek

6. The Borg Unicomplex

star trek 10 largest megastructures
CBS Media Ventures

The Borg inhabited many planets in Delta Quadrant, but the Queen herself resided in a massive interconnected system of structures in space called the Unicomplex. This megastructure served as a kind of capital city for the Collective.

No definite dimensions were given for the Unicomplex, but we know from dialogue in Dark Frontier that it spanned at least 600 kilometres. The unicomplex housed trillions of drones, and was protected by hundreds of Cubes and other Borg vessels.

While the Queen's home Unicomplex was presumably the largest Borg ‘city’, as well as the control centre for their transwarp network, the character Axum referred to it simply as the ‘Primary Unicomplex’, which suggests that there existed multiple other, smaller Unicomplexes across the galaxy. Along with the transwarp hub, the Queen's Unicomplex was destroyed by Admiral Janeway in Endgame, but other similar structures may remain. It's difficult to say how much of the Collective stayed intact after this devastating blow.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.