10 Largest Megastructures In Star Trek

7. The Borg Transwarp Hub

star trek 10 largest megastructures
CBS Media Ventures

The Borg created an impressive network of transwarp corridors that gave them quick access to all four quadrants of the galaxy. These corridors were connected by six massive ‘transwarp hubs’, and while the exact size of these hubs was never stated, we can see in some shots that Borg Cubes (which themselves are about 3 cubic kilometres in size) seem tiny by comparison.

This transwarp network was the Collective's greatest weapon. It allowed them to appear out of nowhere to invade countless societies all across the galaxy. Fortunately, Janeway's future counterpart was able to weaken the hubs shields with a neurolytic pathogen when she was assimilated. This allowed Voyager to destroy the hub, creating a cascade reaction that took the entire network down with it. This left the Borg disconnected from each other, and forced them to retreat back to the Delta Quadrant to rebuild.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.