10 Lessons About Mental Health From Bojack Horseman And Steven Universe

3. Relationships Can't "Fix" You - But They Can Help You Grow

Steven Universe Bojack Horseman

In many of his romantic relationships, Bojack sought love, comfort and happiness as a way to "fix" who he was - and it didn't work. It wasn't until he formed a better relationship with himself that he really grew, with some help from the people around him who truly cared about him.

No relationship "fixed" Bojack, even if he knew he was "broken", because while the support of others is valuable when it comes to self-healing, it isn't something other people can do for you; it's something you have to do for yourself. Bojack improving his relationship with himself helped him more than seeking validation from others - especially Diane.

Near the finale, Steven feared losing his friends as he experienced trauma responses to change, and clung to Connie and their relationship, thinking that could fix him and his anxieties. It wasn't until the finale itself that viewers watched Steven feel secure enough to leave his family behind, knowing they would always support him even when far away.

These relationships helped them get to a good place (or at least, a better one than before), but it was a good relationship with themselves that got them out the other end.


Writer, artist, professional animator. Indie comics and Hi Nay podcast creator. Queer Filipino storyteller || @MotzieD on Twitter || Originally from Quezon City, The Philippines. Currently based in Toronto, Canada || motziedapul.com || hinaypod.com