10 Lessons About Mental Health From Bojack Horseman And Steven Universe

2. It Doesn't Matter If You're "A Good Person", You Can Still Hurt People

Steven Universe Bojack Horseman
Cartoon Network

In "Downer Ending", Bojack begs Diane to tell him if he's a "good person" or not. Even from the first season, the show proved that it would straddle the line between the comfortable fantasy of good and evil and the reality of being a person who can hurt others. Bojack being obsessed with the idea of him being good or bad was irrelevant - in the end, it was who he hurt that stuck with him, with Sara Lynn being the worst of his harms.

For the sake of discussion, if we consider Bojack a good person, given that he wishes to change and grow as one, he still hurt people.

In Steven Universe, the unequivocally good Rose Quartz, aka Pink Diamond, hurt so many people that Steven had to deal with the consequences long after she was gone. She was selfless, empathetic, kind, driven, and saw the value in those lesser than her and fought for freedom - but she still hurt people.

Good people can still hurt people. Being "good" doesn't change that. The difference is how one responds to hurting others, whether to deny or defend, or to try and heal or make up for it.


Writer, artist, professional animator. Indie comics and Hi Nay podcast creator. Queer Filipino storyteller || @MotzieD on Twitter || Originally from Quezon City, The Philippines. Currently based in Toronto, Canada || motziedapul.com || hinaypod.com