10 Major Blunders in Doctor Who

2. The Paving Stone Bit (€œLove and Monsters€, 2006)

So as I was saying, Davies can€™t take sci-fi seriously. Here he created a potentially wonderful story about people coming together because of their experiences with the Doctor, and a young man and woman finding love. We then see some touching scenes of the young man, as a boy, saying goodbye to his dead mother, killed by an alien the Doctor couldn€™t stop in time. It€™s a really heart-wrenching scene that€™s only slightly spoiled by an oral sex joke only seconds later. Yeah, I€™m not kidding about that. To Mister Davies, should he read this, please look up the word €œtone€ in the context of films and TV shows and then apply it to this scene where the hero€™s girlfriend has been reduced to a sentient face in a paving stone, with whom he has an active sex life, and then defend what you€™ve done. Thank you.
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Doctor Who
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Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at wilybadger.wordpress.com