10 Marvel Characters Who Deserve Their Own Disney+ Series

4. Wonder Man

Red Hulk General Ross
Marvel Comics

Wonder Man was set for a cameo in Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, with posters featuring Nathan Fillion as the character’s alter ego Simon Williams originally set to be plastered in the background. The fact Marvel went off this idea suggests they may have been saving him for a bigger experience.

Beta Ray Bill was similarly cut from Thor: Ragnarok because Kevin Feige thought he was worthy of a bigger role; one he’ll hopefully receive in Thor: Love & Thunder.

Had Fillion’s Wonder Man poster appeared, it wouldn’t have been the worst thing in the world. The MCU has already retconned Gamora being the last of her race, but all the same it does mean that now Marvel is free to develop Wonder Man and his origin however they like.

Chances are they’ll plump for a younger star too rather than Nathan Fillion this time around.

Williams finds himself imbued with ionic energy, and is initially a worthy foe to the Avengers as a superhero. However, when he decides to save them over Zemo, he dies, only to be resurrected by Tony Stark and becomes a hero.

A miniseries could focus on this arc in much more depth than a solo film could.

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