10 Mind-Blowing Doctor Who Theories

7. Angie Is Queen Nefertiti

angienefertiti Remember those annoying kids that tagged along in 'Nightmare in Silver'? Angie, the girl who seemed utterly unexcited to be on another planet, decided that one day she would be "Queen of the Universe". Yeah, as if any king could put up with her attitude problems. Ancient Egypt isn't quite the universe, but what if she grew up to become the Queen Nefertiti that appeared in 'Dinosaurs on a Spaceship'? Moffat's known for introducing characters that have childhood encounters with the Doctor - Clara, Amelia, River - and it seems like there's more to tell about the Doctor and Nefertiti. How did he save her? How are they friends? Of course, it's somewhat tenuous to relate every character that's ever been in the show, but it's certainly something that could be referenced in a nod, like Jack being the Face of Boe. If Moffat ever wants to bring such ungrateful children back into the show, that is.
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.