10 Mindblowing Ways That Arrow Could Go Out With A Bang

3. A Quest To Find The Batman

Arrow Joker
The CW/Warner Bros. Pictures

The crew's brief visit to Gotham in this year's Elseworlds crossover showed that the Batman has been AWOL for some time - three years, to be exact.

Not even Bruce Wayne's cousin, Kate Kane, knows where he went or why - and given the time elapsed and the Batman's shadowy reputation, there are plenty of people who don't believe he was ever real in the first place.

Oliver Queen is one of those people: admittedly, a man with a slight vested interest in being considered the world's first costumed vigilante. So what if the final few episodes featured an Arrow/Batwoman crossover in their quest to find the Batman?

As mentioned before, Warners' barriers to the Dark Knight and other A-list characters being referenced and shown on their licensed TV shows are gradually shifting. It'd be a fitting way for Arrow to go out, to be finally allowed to have the Dark Knight feature on the show - and an excellent passing the torch moment for the new Batwoman.

More than that, it could signal Oliver's final decision to retire, coming face to face with the unrelenting obsession that defines Bruce Wayne's life. Mission aside, that's just not something he wants for himself.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.