10 Moments Of Star Trek Foreshadowing You Never Noticed

8. Lorca's True Origin

Lorca Eyes
CBS Media Ventures

Immediately when Captain Gabriel Lorca was first introduced in Star Trek: Discovery, it was clear that he wasn't a typical Starfleet Captain. Many fans criticised him for being too militaristic, disregarding the Tardigrade's rights to have the upper hand against the Klingons. Eventually though, these complaints were put to rest when it was revealed that Lorca was actually an imposter from the mirror universe.

Throughout the beginning of season one, Lorca was constantly putting medication in his eyes. He claimed that it was a sensitivity to light caused by an injury he got when the USS Buran was destroyed, but we learned later in the season that sensitivity to light is actually a part of mirror universe biology. Emperor Georgiou described it as "the singular biological difference" between Humans and Terrans from the mirror universe.

This, as well as Lorca's over-the-top brutality and lack of trust or respect for his crew, greatly foreshadowed his eventual reveal as a Terran.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.