10 Moments Of Star Trek Foreshadowing You Never Noticed

7. The Phasing Cloaking Device From The Pegasus

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CBS Media Ventures

In the Next Generation episode The Next Phase, Ro Laren and Geordi La Forge were pushed out of phase with ordinary space due to a transporter accident caused by an experimental Romulan phasing cloaking device. They were assumed dead, but really just became invisible to everyone but each other, and were able to move through walls.

While the Enterprise crew prepared their funerals, the two used their new abilities to spy on the Romulans and were eventually able to “decloak” themselves. But what many people may not have noticed is that this cloaking device actually appeared later in the series, in the iconic episode The Pegasus.

The Pegasus was a Starfleet ship that was experimenting with the same kind of phasing cloak technology as the Romulans in The Next Phase, unfortunately, due to a treaty signed with the Romulans, Starfleet is banned from developing any kind of cloaking devices, so the project was classified and covered up command, until the deception was exposed by Captain Picard.

Ronald D. Moore confirmed in an AOL chat in 1997 that the two cloaking devices were intended to be the same. Interphasic cloaking is a huge step up from a standard cloak because it not only renders a ship invisible, but also able to move through solid objects.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.