10 Moments Of Star Trek Foreshadowing You Never Noticed

6. Kirk's Paradise In The Nexus

Lorca Eyes

When the Enterprise-B was launched at the beginning of Star Trek: Generations, Kirk, Scotty, and Chekov were invited to observe. After meeting Sulu's daughter Demora, Kirk was surprised that Sulu had the time to start a family while in Starfleet. Scotty responded to him "if something's important, you make the time," and suggested that Kirk was feeling lonely in his retirement.

This, as well as Captain Harriman remarking that he read about Kirk's adventures in grade school, made Kirk feel like his best years were behind him. He was upset that it was apparently too late for him to settle down and start a family like Sulu.

This foreshadowed what happened to Kirk inside the Nexus later in the film. The Nexus allows those who enter it to live out their dreams for eternity in an unending state of pure bliss and happiness. For Kirk, this meant living at his old home, a rustic cabin in the woods on Earth, with his late dog Butler, and his long-lost love Antonia.

In the end, Kirk got to live out the dream he always wanted, but chose to sacrifice it to help Picard save the Veridian system.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.