10 Moments That Almost Killed Star Trek

3. The Unwanted Next Generation

Star Trek Nemesis

It's hard to image now, but when TNG was announced people were pissed off. The fans were fiercely loyal to Kirk, Spock, Bones and crew and didn’t want to see anyone attempt to fill their shoes.

Once again, the fans had to take things into their own hands, they rushed to their writing desks and poured their grave concerns onto paper. The post office worked round the clock to make sure the studio got the letters.

The almighty voice of the fans had spoken. Kirk's shoes could not be filled. The studio listened, but only to the ones who wrote in to say, 'Cheers is brilliant, please makes six more seasons'. The ones who wrote in objection to Star Trek TNG were wrong, so, they were ignored. And the golden age of Trek dawned.

What followed in the wake of TNG cemented Star Trek as a pop-cultural powerhouse. Suddenly there was a vast shared universe of concurrent running shows and movies. The twenty-fourth century had never seemed more tangible as it did during the fifteen years that followed the pilot of TNG.

In the nineties, everyone was watching Star Trek.


Bowen Revill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.