10 Moments That Almost Killed Star Trek

2. Fatigue and The End

Star Trek Nemesis

In the first half of the ‘00s, audiences had begun to tire of a market that had been saturated by Trek. In 2002 Nemesis, the last of the TNG era movies, got a thrashing from critics (it really wasn't that bad) and only just edged into profit at the box office.

In 2005 Enterprise aired its final episode, which also got a thrashing from critics and fans (it was really bad). Like TNG, DS9 and VOY, Enterprise kicked off with a couple of shaky seasons but by this point, the fans were less forgiving, and people just weren't watching anymore.

So, in 2005 it was over and Star Trek was off the air. For the first time in its history, there were no plans to bring it back.

The party was over and thus began the dark times.


Bowen Revill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.