10 Moments That Changed Doctor Who Forever

2. Rose's Overtime

Doctor Who Wild Blue Yonder Fourteenth Doctor salt
BBC Studios

The Doctor meets a lot of their companions through complete chance – falling through the roof of a train, crashing the TARDIS into their garden, dying while they’re being operated on – but there might not be a more extreme example of the butterfly effect than the Ninth Doctor bumping into a shop assistant in the basement of a department store in 2005.

At the beginning of Series 1, Rose is just leaving work after a shift when she’s stopped at the door by a security guard, and asked to drop off some lottery winnings to the store’s chief electrician. This leads her to the building’s basement, a gang of murderous mannequins, and, of course, the Doctor.

It’s strange to think that if the security guard didn't stop her, or picked a different member of staff, or Rose just refused to do it, she'd never have met the Ninth Doctor, and the entirety of the new series would've panned out differently.

The Doctor might not have even survived his confrontation with the Nestene Consciousness, and then where would we all be?

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Alix Cochrane hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would probably end up sitting in a notes file for months, gathering dust and never actually being uploaded.