10 Moments When Breaking Bad Went Too Far

6. Walt & Jane's Father Meet In A Bar

Coincidence drives stories, and there is no doubt that if every plot thread in Breaking Bad had a carefully-constructed and logical route then it wouldn't twist and turn in as many thrilling directions as it does. But one coincidence stands out as being a serious stretch: when Walt ends up in a bar randomly drinking with Don, the father of Jesse's girlfriend Jane - who he will soon stand back and watch die. The scene is played out very well, and it's a emotional sequence that is referred to later in the show (in the much maligned Fly episode). It also gives the audience an insight in Don's mental state, which is useful given the key role that he will play in the series. However, that this brief but emotive conversation leads Walt to decide that the best course of action is to let his drinking partner's daughter die is a bit of a stretch to say the least. It's also hard to believe that such a coincidental meeting would occur, especially given that Walt doesn't know that Don is Jane's father when he walks into the bar. Albuquerque isn't a small town, and it's not often that Walt is shown heading into bars for a drink. Indeed, of all the bars, in all the towns, in all the world, Walt had to walk into the one with Don in it.
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Breaking Bad
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