10 Moments When Breaking Bad Went Too Far

5. Mercury Fulminate Explosion

This is one of Breaking Bad's most iconic scenes. No doubt. Walt's first real transformation into Heisenberg, the first time he really gets violent (aside from his forced killing of Crazy-8), and a fist-pumping celebratory moment for the power of brains over brawn. But come on... There's a few problems with this scene that just don't quite add up. I mean, for starters, why was Walt able to walk away so nonchalantly from what was a pretty huge explosion? OK, he knew it was coming, but he was the closest to the mercury fulminate, and he was undoubtedly physically the least imposing figure in the room. Yet he strolls away with ease in that incredible shot, smoke plumes billowing from the building. There's also the fact that Mythbusters successfully busted the science of the scene, of course. They discovered that one of two things would have happened had someone thrown mercury fulminate at the floor. In reality, had someone of Walt's strength chucked it, it would have done very little. A minor spark at best. In theory, had Walt featured superhuman strength, it certainly would have blown up - but it would also have killed everyone in the room, himself included. Sure, it's always difficult to bring real-life science into discussion of a TV show. But then, this article is about how Breaking Bad bends the rules of reality to fit its own ends.
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