10 Moments When Breaking Bad Went Too Far

4. Prison Killings

Without question this scene has to be on any list that questions the believability and realism of Breaking Bad. One of Walt's most gleefully evil and totalitarian moments comes midway through Season 5, when he requests the execution of ten different potential grasses incarcerated in three different prisons. Sounds do-able, right? Except that the executions have to occur relatively simultaneously - all within the space of two minutes. Of course, this is effectively impossible. In most films and TV shows, the death of a single inmate at the hands of a fellow prisoner would probably be considered to be a shock and an impossibility - but ten in two minutes? Still, Breaking Bad's writers must have a plan and explanation about how they are going to make it feasible, right? Well... Not really. Walt employs Uncle Jack and his gang (more on them soon...) to do the task. Of course, they immediately ask how he suggests they take on such a mammoth task. His response: "Figure it out. It's what I'm paying you for." That is effectively the only explanation that the audience is granted - that the fee is so large that they'll figure out how to do it. The scene plays out wonderfully, with rapid cuts between shots of Walt, a ticking clock and increasingly violent prison deaths soundtracked by Nat King Cole and George Shearing's Pick Yourself Up. But all that is shown is how the prisoners are killed - not the mechanics that allowed Jack's henchmen to manoeuvre the deaths in the first place.
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Breaking Bad
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