10 More Awesome TV Shows Nobody Is Watching

Not even being some of the best pieces of TV currently on screen can guarantee you an audience.

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There's simply no shortage of outstanding television being pumped onto the small screen each and every month nowadays.

Hell, since the start of 2023 alone, TV lovers have been treated to the masterful adaptation of the equally sensational The Last of Us video game, the latest season of Star Wars' modern MVP The Mandalorian, and the BBC's gripping last chunk of Happy Valley drama.

But with there being so many unquestionably outstanding shows to choose from at this current moment in time, it was only natural that some of the greatest televised content currently available to binge and dive into each and every week would find itself slipping through the cracks somewhat.

The fact many of these properties boast some of the finest performers working today, creatives who just can't seem to miss at this particular moment in time, and some of the most exciting storytelling current going down in this or any other galaxy right now, still hasn't been able to secure the shows in question the size of audience they deserve.

So, hopefully this list will provoke you into giving the following brilliant slices of recent TV a chance.

10. Your Honor

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Any chance folks get to watch the frequently mesmerising Bryan Cranston flex his dramatic muscles throughout a series, can always be classed as time well spent.

Over the course of the Breaking Bad star's most recent leading turn as New Orleans judge Michael Desiato - a man who will stop at nothing to protect a son who accidentally kills the teenage offspring of a mob boss - in the remake of Israeli series Kvodo, fans were clearly eager to see Cranston once again dive into a complicated character operating in some consistently compelling grey areas.

The same sadly can't be said for the eventual follow-up season, however, with Your Honor Season Two clearly not experiencing the sort of success it likely hoped was coming its way after the shocking conclusion of the prior chunk of narrative.

Ratings have tumbled from between 449,000-742,000 tuning in to watch the one-time Showtime hit on the day of its release, to disappointingly not crossing over 350,000 viewers on the Sunday nights of its airing for Season two - though the finale is still yet to air at time of writing.

Despite the second season also earning stronger reviews than that prior outing, though, this often painful exploration of grief and the fallout of the tragedy that came before it looks to be playing out in front a far smaller audience than it merits.

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