10 More Best Movie Characters Who Only Appear In ONE Scene

4. The T-Bone Waitress - Hell Or High Water

Constantine Peter Stormare

David Mackenzie's brilliant neo-Western Hell or High Water features too many excellent scenes to count, with every part being perfectly cast from the A-list leads to the most minor, fleeting cameos.

And few characters have ever left as much of an impression in just 70 seconds as Margaret Bowman's "T-Bone Waitress" does when Texas rangers Marcus (Jeff Bridges) and Alberto (Gil Birmingham) visit her eatery.

Upon serving the two men, she asks them the massively confusing question, "What don't you want?", before elaborating with an hilariously cantankerous explanation for her odd line of questioning:

"I've been working here for 44 years. Ain't nobody ever ordered nothing but a T-bone steak and a baked potato. Except this one a**hole from New York ordered a trout, back in 1987. We don't sell no goddamned trout. T-bone steaks. So either you don't want the corn on the cob, or you don't want the green beans, so what don't you want?"

When Alberto follows up that he'd like his steaked cooked differently, she insists that she "don't want no questions," and then basically forces the pair to both order iced teas.

To cap it all off, Marcus then tells Alberto, "Well I'll tell you one thing, ain't nobody gonna rob this son-b*tch."

Bowman, who sadly passed away shortly after the film's release, takes a potentially forgettable role and, with the help of Taylor Sheridan's tack-sharp script, makes this surly waitress one of the movie's most memorable characters, in barely a minute no less. Bravo.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.