10 More Best Movie Characters Who Only Appear In ONE Scene

3. Daniel - Collateral

Constantine Peter Stormare
Paramount Pictures

Despite being centered around an assassin, Vincent (Tom Cruise), being driven around Los Angeles and killing people, many of Collateral's best moments are instead focused on tense chit-chat.

Case in point, the fantastic scene where cabbie-hostage Max (Jamie Foxx) drives Vincent to a jazz club so they can meet with its owner, Daniel (Barry Shabaka Henley).

The three men sit down for a seemingly relaxing post-gig drink where Daniel, a man of natural gravitas, regales the pair with a story of the 1964 night where Miles Davis entered his bar and played with the band.

Daniel is such a natural storyteller that it's easy for both the audience and Max to forget that Vincent is here for a reason, to kill Daniel for testifying in an upcoming grand jury case against drug lord Felix Reyes-Torrena (Javier Bardem).

Vincent offers Daniel an out - if he can answer a question about how Miles Davis learned his craft, he can live. Daniel answers confidently, but Vincent isn't satisfied with the detail of the answer and promptly plugs him through the head with a silenced pistol.

Everyone here is on their A-game, but between the higher-profile Cruise and Foxx, it's Henley who lends real soul and grit to the scene. In barely five minutes, we learn a lot about the man's life and passions, only for it all to be snuffed out in a second.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.