10 More Crazy Star Trek Fan Theories

3. The Voth Have Pet Dinosaurs

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CBS/Gearbox Publishing

The Voth from the Voyager episode Distant Origin were descended from a genus of dinosaurs called hadrosaurs, which roamed the Earth during the Cretaceous Period (over 65 million years ago).

At some point, their ancestors realised that Earth was becoming unlivable and managed to develop interstellar travel, becoming one of the first space-faring civilizations in the galaxy, and eventually evolving into a more humanoid form.

Some fans theorise that the Voth may have taken other dinosaur species with them when they left Earth, either as pets or a source of food. The game Star Trek Online even features a storyline where the Voth return and wage war against the Federation, using armoured Tyrannosaurus Rexes in combat.

Presumably, if they took any other dinosaurs with them, they would've also evolved into new species, but we know modern-day alligators haven't changed much since those times, so it's possible that many species of dinosaurs survived the mass extinction and now live among the Voth.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.